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Sunday, June 04, 2006

Campers Corner

Took a quick bath, my sweetheart and myself went down to City Hall. I have to meet up with the rest of my Mount Kinabalu teamates and Hamidah at Campers Corner at Capitol Building to select our sizes for the gears. Campers Corner is one of the sponsor for our Mount Kinabalu Climbathon event organised by NTUC Clubs Sport and Wellness. I reached there at 11:35am.

The selection for the Mount Kinabalu Climbathon event has been announced. I was fortunate to squeeze into the 10 persons team for the 20th Mount Kinabalu International Cimbathon Challenge. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Hamidah, Yulan, Sabrina, Timothy, Yeesheng, David, Anthony and myself are there to try out the gears. Xavier(working there) and his boss are there assisting us. Their working entire is abit fresh to me as they worth shorts and a short sleeves shirt as their attire. I have not seem such combination before, maybe i am suaku lah. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

We took our time, in fact we spent 2.5hrs there. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting We took our turn and get ourself, A running top(patagonia Apilene), trail shoe(Montrial Hurricane), Golve( Outdoor Research Airfoil), Sock (FoxRiver X-training light weight quarter crew) and duffer bag(mountainsmith)

After that, went to meet a straving sweetheart for lunch before we proceed back home.

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