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Saturday, May 05, 2007

DisMay Run

I was at ECP with Francis, Ray and Zee Wee for our LSD. We started our run around 6:40am. The weather was perfect! No rain and the sun wasn't strong and with occasional breeze, make the run so good........But......

The intention is to cover around 33km to prepare for the coming Penang Marathon. At the end of the day, i have to admit, i was fell way short of the target.

Naturally i was disappointing.
1) for not completing the distance. 2) for my weak mind 3) for not understand my body

Straight from the start the body(engine) can't seem to go out of the low gears. Normally for the first few km on the runs, my body will warm up and will go into the groove of the intended pace. Sometime for whatever reasons, this warm up period might take longer time before it kick into "cruise mode". Today it didn't materialise. :(

I was running with some discomfort throughout the distance. I do not know if i started too fast(which i highly doubt it), but the body just couldn't move up the notch. Wee joined us around Macdonald area and he did push the pace abit(as usual), but somehow the body didn't react and sort of went into hibernate mode. I ran with my eyes closed for 1/3 of the distance i reckon. I do not know exactly what happened. Maybe there is problem with my eyes or problem with the lens or maybe i am just tired. Even now when i am typing this, my right eye want to "sleep"!

The mind became weaker as time goes on even though i have been secretly hope that the engine will come into "life". Alas it just couldn't do that. It is one of those days whereby the body is weak and the mind is not strong. Damn it, have to struggle back to Ford road carpark.

I meet Yanlyn, Gentle and Wen Jie & Gary(Wen Jie's bf) along the way.

I complete 24km run/walk. It was a dismay run. Could it be body breakdown?(Have not have a pure rest days for the past 2-3 weeks) Could it be have not recovered since JP Morgan run?

Have to reduce the intensity and monitor the situation further. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1 comment:

KickJazz said...

take a break, have a kit kat!