Thanks for Being There
Because your always there
When i need someone to talk to
Because your always there
When i need someone to listen
Because your always there
When i need a shoulder to cry on
Because your always there
To share in my excitement
Because your always there
To comfort me in my dissapointment
Because your always there
I want to thank you
And say that if you ever need me the way
i needed you
written by DJ Roberts
Human relationship is very strange. For unknown reason you can click, for the very same reason, no matter how hard you try, things doesn't just work out!
It is like when you are looking for a particular thing/stuff back at home/office/life. For whatever reason you just couldn't find it, when you are not looking for it, for whatever reason it will appear infront of you. Relationship/Friendship is the same IMHO.
No point forcing things(don't know head hit the wall how many times), I will go with the flow, if it come it come, if it doesn't then be it. Treasure those that come, fade those that didn't. Life is about opportunity. Sieze it.
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