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Saturday, June 30, 2007


It is good to be alone. A quiet time for me to recover and reflect.

I was prepared to run 10km max. I have reservation on my foot problem. I just wanna go out there and sweat it out abit and test "water" to see how the body is recovering.

I had a late night. I felt like a stranger. It is gonna be a slow 10km tomorrow(Saturday) and i do not need to prepare.

I woke up at the usual time, didn't bother to go through the usual pre-run routine since it is a short run. Reach Kallang at 7am. I was alone. It is good to be back where i first started off my run. Other might not like the route, but i do. A route that have no traffic lights, not much human/motor traffic, water points at strategic location, loops is available if required, parking is "free", toilet where you can wash up, vendor machines with cold isotonic water available along the way. You can't ask too much! I will do this route, week in week out. I do not mind the monotonous. It give me opportunities to reflect on other matters and run with a knowledge i am in a safe location.

I put on my new Asics Cumulus and start off my run. I run conservatively trying to "listen" to my foot for any complain. I may be running abit fast or maybe the heart rate went up slightly due to BD as I wasn't feeling comfortable throughout majority portion of the run.

I reached Sheares Bridge toilet in 22 mins. It was swarmed with army guys preparing for NDP rehearsal and i decide to skip the break. My foot didn't give complain and i decide to push on to complete the Clark Quay loop. Though i wasn't feeling comfortable on the run, but i just wanna do the distance since that was my initial intention.

I know i am asking for trouble when i have to skip the toilet break at Clark Quay. The toilet is under "cleaning". Damn, what luck!

Total distance with the loop to Zouk is 16km. I have done the distance before without water. I should be able to do it. I didn't recall that was a plan run without water, i have prior preparation for it!

I was tired before i reach Zouk. I have to take my walk break to give myself some space to recover. As long as my foot hold, i should be good to run back. Somehow i do not know is it mental, caution or tiredness i ended up doing more walk breaks. Water isn't the issue, it is more of body fatigue, i feel.

A step at a time, i complete the run in 1:38hr. Given the conditions, i think it is decent. It is a good workout.

I wasn't prepare to run 16km, even though i hope i can clock the distance. I didn't prepare for it and i have to "suffer" the consequences! I was glad the foot hold during the run. After 20mins of rest, i can feel the sng on the foot. Start to walk with a limp after that...:(

I find the new cumulus is much heavier that the old pair. It going to take a few more runs to season it. At the mean time, i should start sourcing for another brand of shoe to replace my Nimbles.

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