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Sunday, October 07, 2007

Disappointing Log - 07-10-2007

It is suppose to be another milestone for me in term of swimming today. A 5km openwater swim on FINA Fujixerox Open Water 2007.

The organiser tired to kill the 5km swimmers by putting them to start at 12:30/35pm(last wave of the event) whereas the event start off at 8am! There are 1km,3km,5km,10km events. Why on earth do the 5km race need to start at the last 2 waves baffle me.

My intention is to complete 5km swim follow by a 14km run at ECP. I need the brick whenever the opportunity arises. Alas someone up there have other idea apparently!

I only have a famous 7 words use commonly in the Army - KNN**** to describe the event. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It was cancelled again after 1 loop + almost a third, due to bad weather! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

THE END. Don't mention openwater swim in local event AGAIN! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

1 comment:

roentgen said...

Aiyo... cham si :( Then again, the thunder and lightning were quite bad in the central part of Sg. We let you swim in the sea next week during LSD okay? :D