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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Ultra - 1

One day to go before Ultra. I still don't feel excited. I do not know if this is a sad case or maybe a good thing that i treat the run with such attitude.

Not to get me wrong, i respect the distance, likewise i know my body can take the "abuse" of the distance. I'm not going to get myself kill over the distance! It is going to be a slow and long run. Anyway, it is either 5 or 6 loops. Not 12 hours + kind of event, my body can take the distance.

What i wanna get from the run is to train the nutrient portion, make sure i get the formulae right for future ultra long hours event. A lot of time, it is through trial and error that we learned. I just have to learn it, one way or another. :p

Went over to JB and get some makeup for the car. Didn't manage to complete what i wanna do today, so have to go back again to finish the work. Reach home at 10pm. Tired.

Have to sleep leow...Going to be a long day tomorrow.

Good Night everyone, seeya at MR tomorrow.

Its Show Time!

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