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Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I blunder again. I reach swimming pool and realised that i have left the goggles in the luggage. Sigh. No choice head for breakfast instead.

Another mention i am getting FAT. Yes, today the pant are super tight, i need to get new pant soon! Sigh

CBD run in the evening. Heading over to Ford Canning. I tried not to look at HR monitor. Legs was a bit heavy, i move on, take a short break here and there.

On top of FC, did 2 sets. Suppose to be intervals. Giving my condition, i just ran slightly fast. I hope i can last the distance.

A good run back, just press on, not too tough and not slack.

Have some food/fruits today - durain puffs(thanks Ben Zhu), rambutan/mangosteen(tohmin) and H20(KK). It was a nice gesture.

We spent some time chit chat before splitting up.

A good accompany, enjoy the run. HR mah, tomorrow then update. I feel ok..abit pushing the pace..but good anyway.

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