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Friday, November 14, 2008

Medical Review

The last was 4 months back. Seem like a while back. Didn't realise the time really flies!

The test result is good according to the Doc. I was thinking aloud...."yeah right".

Pour out my fustration rather than giving the doc of the updates that i had been through for the past few months.

The feedback:

1) You are very brave
2) It is normal for your condition to react this way
3) You are very healthy(base on the test result) and in good shape(round is a shape...YES!)
4) Don't fix thing when it is not "broken", it might(if not most probably) will get worst.
5) Take double dose of the medication.
6) See you in 6 months time.

It was a mixed reaction. I don't know what to make of it. On one hand, medically i am okay. I know it is far away from the truth! The test is useless IMO, the same yardstick cannot be used for most cases! Hello! I am not your usual patient that sit down and wait for fats to gather around the tummy. The test don't work for me!

The more i know about it, i am still as far away as i have just started.

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