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Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today I am leaving for Land of Smiles. It was planned and booked in April when the price is very attractive. Spoilt for choice then, I choose to fly off at 11:30am and finish off a LSD before flying off.

The run starts at 4am this morning from F2 carpark(same route as last week). I know it is unearthly time, but that is the time I feel comfortable to complete the distance and get me home in time for the flight later.

I didn’t want to jio anyone since the timing is too early. But ended up 2 more crazy ones also met up with me at 4am.

We started our run around 4:07am. I find the pace(based on HR) a bit faster than last week. When you have accompany you tend to keep up a certain pace and run. At least that is what I felt. This is not the case when I read the Garmin report later.

We chatted and run together for the first portion until the fire station. After that the gap start to form as I sweep behind.

I was feeling much better than last week, compare to this week. I think I am getting use to running flat route. The non-stop pacing(except for water break) compare to start/stop in the trail.

In fact based on Garmin, Average HR for the run is about 5 bmps lower than last week. It also indicates the pace is slower by 0.5km/hr as well. I ran at slower pace and more relax with accompany. Not to take away the fact, we have more and longer walk breaks…..Hmm…food for thought.

Reached F2 in 3:07hr. Decide to run to the end of Bedok jetty and back to get another 2 more km..to make it 25km in 3:27hr.

Body still feeling good as a whole at the end. Cool.

Time to “carbo load” in LOS.

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