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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Swim - Shoe

I head to the pool this morning. The feeling of pulling myself to the pool is not a good sign. I was slightly late and have to make a detour to break the "notes" in NTUC...I almost got distracted of what i am suppose to do. Lucky common sense prevail and i did reached the pool.

Water is decent and pace is pretty good IMO. Meet up with a lady..auntie that swim(i think slightly quicker than myself). So it gives motivation to chase after that auntie. I guess from the 2-3 sets onwards.

It is good that i can push myself a bit from time to time. I think the lady is actually in early 20's but in auntie body. Hehe...From the look at the body, it is an auntie "shape", but the face looks young. Couldn't have a good look on the surface. She finished early than myself.

At the end i manage to almost lap(i think still have 20meters). Sigh...at least i look forward to next round. :p

2km in 50mins for this morning foray.

Pick up my new cumulus...time to burn some rubbers soon.

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