The past few weeks, work load has increase. It come to a stage that i have a headache early the morning when i woke up yesterday(Tuesday).
I was on a call until past midnight and sleep pretty late and waking up 5am isn't a good option. It affect me physically and i am in no mood for workout on Tuesday.
It was busy and have to skip CBD run as well. I only manage to leave office slightly after 8pm. Grab some drinks in NTUC(TP) and drive over to CBD. Just in time to pass them the drinks before heading back home.
I was so tired when i reached home and i didn't have the energy to get on another call. I skipped 2 calls last night. Slept before 11pm.
Wake up feeling tired again. Sigh....
Spent 50mins on the bike this morning at the gym. Just nice to keep the engine warm up.
Going to be a long day again in the office today. Sigh...
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