JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge 2006
Event: JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge 2006
Date: 26 April 06
Time: 6pm
Distance: 5.6km run
Venue: Esplanade/Padang
This is JPMorgan 3rd year event. I have been to 3 of these and being Captain for my company for 2 of them. This year the participants have hit record height of 11 thousands for Singapore.
Last year for this event, i didnt do that well as i was injured after KL Marathon 05. I was struggling with my Runner Knee problem. This year wise, my left knee is having this bit of sensation first experience during last weekend North-East run. Yesterday during CBD run, i can feel the issue going to explode anytime.
The problem is the same as what happen after SCSM06.
It was a raining afternoon in most part of Singapore, likewise Padang is no special. Unlike Last year, when it was hot, this year was wet. In fact the field in Padang is soak, before the race event start, the shoe is stained.
The event start on 6pm amid drizzle and a sardine pack of runners. As i start off, i immediately spot Le_charlotte, her unique running style cannot be mimic. It was packed and running fast isn't much of an option.
I took off conservatively, since on top of my mind is minimise the injury to my left knee.
Not long, i meet Kickjazz, her running style from behind cannot miss as well. She was going strong with purple dressing. I Love Purple
After the U-Turn mark, where we headed back to the end, i meet Kickjazz again & get a chance to chit chat.
What is this, 5.6km kind of distance/pace, still have breath to chit chat?
Guess i am running too slow or rather too conservative.
I decide to pick up the pace after i feel the knee is holding well and not much distance left. I zig-zag and speed off. Somewhere along the line, i heard someone calling out "Kops"....i have to turn back and take a look at who's that "sexy voice" calling out for me.
It was run3. We exchange greeting and i left her behind. Need to finish the run quick as this is suppose to be company Beat-The-Boss Competition. I finished the run at 28:48mins, slow i will say, but nevertheless it was an okay run giving the circumstances.
After finish, the muddy ground awaits. I have to go through the mud to get into water and banana.
I meet up with the rest of my colleagues. We rested and catch up while waiting for everybody to come back. Once everyone was back, phototaking sessions, we parted our way and i have to rush down to Bishan for Mt kk training.
I reached Bishan stadium around 7:40pm due to traffic problems. I started off heading towards Lower Pierce via Bishan Park. It was a bit tough getting the legs moving again. I expect to meet the rest of the group(coming back) from Lower Pierce somewhere at the end of Bishan Park. I felt hungry(I seldom feel hungry during run) and my left knee seems to be giving me the signs that all is going to break.... Slowly i reach the end of Bishan Park and about to cross the traffic lights across to Lower Pierce, but somehow i didnt and headed back. I just couldn't see the point of getting oneself hurt over a training session. I did run/walk back as i can feel the strains on the knee getting worst.
Finally i reach back to Bishan. Not even have the time to sit down and have a drink, the rest have came back. They are pretty fast. Have a chat with them before leaving.
JP Morgan 5.6km, evening run 6.5km. Enough leow lah...wonder how much damage have i sustained.
1 comment:
Didn't manage to see you. Take it easy leh... you don't want to make your knee worst right?
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