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Sunday, June 18, 2006

two right foot

No more LSD?

Saturday, I reached 6:30am at MR for a run with Francis. I did my normal pre run routine and realised that i brought two right footed shoes for the run? Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Francis and myself dont know whether to laugh or cry through it. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Normally i have a spare running shoe in the boot, unfortunately i use it for wed training and didnt put it back as it was wet. Fate lah. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

No choice, we went back to my place to pick up the shoe. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting We return to MR and start the run around 7:15am

I brought Francis for a 15km run if possible. It was a tough run for him and myself. I went for bloodbank on Friday evening and for the next couple of weeks, i should be feeling abit weaken. It was a good run as i like the training and i get to slowdown at different junction to wait for Francis and give myself the break. He feel the strain and we decided to take a short cut back to the carpark. It took us 1:51 hr to complete 12km i think. Damn slow for the distance, nevertheless its okay. I dont plan to run too fast too given the physical condition.

last weekend 15km, this week 12km.... no more LSD? Well, will have to push up the mileage next week. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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