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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Hari Raya run

Monday is a replacement holiday for my office for Depavalli, Tuesday is Hari Raya. I have an extra long weekend.

I enjoy holiday whereby someone is enjoying the festive occassions. Staying at home during weekdat, rotting, is not what i like to do. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I have no sporting activities for Sun and Mon. Abit tough for me, when the body is itching for some workout, the mind telling - slack lah. Would have went back office to the gym if not because i have to send the car for services. Travelling from Sin Ming to Jurong East by bus, isn't my ideal of "holiday" event!

Anyway, meet Too Kang, Too Buay & Too Kia at MR today at 6:30am. We are suppose to do 30k+ run today. Not bad to spend a holiday isn't? Have not see Timothy for quite a while since Mt KK event.

This run is a mix of MR-Zoo run. It was okay for me until i hit Post Office(Mandai Road), where all hell break lose! I do not know what happened, but my body decide to call it a day there! I couldn't believe it, but my body is telling me something else. Heartrate is high and i am seeing Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting !!!! I tried to walk(rest) and let it recover before attempt to run. Alas it didn't work this time, for whatever reason. It took me about 5mins before i recover from looking at stars !!! Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I make a U-Turn at upper seletar reservior gate and headed back. Went over to 7-11 to get H20(cold), by then all the toos have overtaken me on the way back. I tried to run abit, but i can't manage anything more than 100 meters at a time.

I walk, more than run all the way back to MR. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

I glad i finished this in 1 piece. This is not the first time, something like that had happened to me. Alas this is the longest distance i have to walk back!

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