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Monday, April 30, 2007

Frank's Flora London Marathon

My colleague Frank finished his first Marathon in London. The following is an extract from his message which i received recently. I would like to share it here.

"I am running my first ever marathon in London on April 22nd to raise money for Asthma UK" Frank Feb 07

Frank have a family member that have Asthma issue, which i believe leads him to take part in the marathon.

"It was a great experience, but the weather was very hot (for me) - it was 27C/81F on the course which is about 7C/13F more than I am used to even in a good summer! As a result my time expectations were dropped from 4:30 to 5hours and my running time was 5h3mins, so I'm fairly pleased. The support from the crowds was breathtaking and the whole event was an experience I will never forget. I shed a tear at 23 miles when I stopped to speak to my wife and my grandson who had come to London to support me. That gave me the added impetus I needed to finish the last 3 miles. It was a great feeling to cross the line." Frank April 07

The race T-shirt summed it up:

"You see impossible, I saw the Finish line. Impossible is nothing!"

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