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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Heartless ?

Could you handle it differently?

I was driving on the road, traffic is slow and as usual i was following the front car pretty closely.

Suddenly i heard a horn from somewhere behind, do not know who is it directing at? Me? As usual keep looking through the rear mirror to kapo and saw an accident happening right behind my car.

A bike and a van have a accident "live" in front(rather behind) of me. The folks fall off the bike! The cars next to them suddenly aware of the situation immediately slow down or "siam". Since i am the vehicle in front of the accidents veh(van & bike), did i contribute to the accident? I do not know, i was driving "extremely" slow to my normal standard, am i the cause? I drove away further from the scene of the accident, thinking. Should i have stop and take a look? There are many folks stop and are helping now.

Am i consider kapo if i stop, go back and take a look? What happen if i am in the fault? What happen if there is nothing to do with me and i kena drag inside? Would i make a different if i stay behind? I do not know the answer, which is right thing to do - morally or not. I hope those involved are fine.


I was cycle on the road. witness an accident happen in front. A car was pinned under a lorry. It happens about a few minutes before i arrived at the scene. The drivers are of the vehicle are out of their car. 1 of them are wiping blooded off the face. Should i stop and help? Would i make a difference? Should i stop and ask if they need assistance, even though i might not be of any usefulness.

Am i a good samaritan if i stop? Will i get into trouble for stopping? Morally should i stop?

I took off without stopping. Shortly, ambulance arrived at the scene.


I was cycle on ECP. I was zooming in/out of the slow cyclist or bladers. When i overtaken one slower cyclist(a Primary 6 boy), he fell.

Did i cause him to fell? Did he fell by himself? Should i stop and take a look? His mum(on bike) is 20 meters behind.

What happen if i stop and they blame me for causing her son to fell? What can i do if i stop? Morally should i stop?

I took off without stopping.


Littletigger is just a simple boi that is timid and think(daydream) too much.

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