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Sunday, May 20, 2007

2 Star - day 2

I was smiling at myself when i pack the bag for today lesson. Wonder what i am going to miss today.

I wasn't comfortable with Eskimo drill yesterday. I was abit disappointed, that i didn't managed to "nail" that drill. In fact, at home, i even resort to practise on the floor with myself inverted! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I believe i felt uncomfortable being in the water, inverted and like sitting duck waiting for someone to come over for rescue. Worst still no idea the assistance will come in time, before running out of breath! After going through the drill and experience, i should be more confident of my course mate and calm down. I should be able to stay inverted underwater for at least 15 secs before executing the rescue drill.

The lesson start with an hour theory and scully draw. I was very uncomfortable with these draw. After 10 mins training and i still couldn't figure out what could be the right method. The trainer keep reminding us 2 STAR is not about the stroke and theory. It is about the feel. Well, life is just that. Alot of matters, you just have to go through it before you know the pain/joy associate with it. After coaching from the trainer for a few times i have to left to my own experiences to figure out that is the stroke about. Well, it took a bit longer, YES i manage to get the feel! I was pretty glad of accomplish this stroke. I was able to execute the stroke with confidence and pace as well. Hehe.... Practise, Practise and Practise. You can definite make it! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Meteor and Alvin came over to take a look at the course and join us for lunch! My lunch was the last to serve again! WTF, two days in a row and different stall somemore! Fortunately it was compensately by the best Soon Buay Jiu in Singapore! Hehe....

Afternoon i was capsize! Haha...after edging too much! I manage to execute the Eskimo rescue drill w/o any problem! Haha, it was so smooth! I glad that it has address a small doubt in myself.

I almost lost my right contact len during the last portion of the training! It dropped out and i managed to put it back while on the move! Haha...Practise, Practise...:)

Somehow i injure my right arm during the lesson. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket I do not know when i overstretch. Anyway, what done cannot be undone.

Another lesson complete. Hmm....3 STAR......Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

P/S: I don't think i miss anything today...:)

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