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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Metabolism rate

Unless you are born with bag of bones. It means you are super thin type, the rest of the mortal have to deal with FAT for the rest of their life!

I used to be super thin and complexion is dark during primary school. Quite a few cruel nickname was given and nope, i won't reveal here! I was underweight i think? or rather i was at the low range of the normal "acceptable" range. When i joined the army for the first 3 months, most of the people will reduce weight, due to the tough training, but for me i put on a few kgs for that few months! I guess not many people like me reverse the trend!

When you workout more, you tend to eat more. When you stop your workout, you still continue to consume. Well, that is what happen to me after NS, i sort of grown up - horizontally! Not that bad lah. First year put on 3kg, whereas some friends put on 10kg! In denial mode ! Hehe...:)

That was many years back, but now our metabolism have changed. It slow down unfortunately. We can't go against nature, but we can do something about it.

I have spoken to my Colleague(US) the other time he came over for a visit to Singapore. He is 50+ years old and he is a runner! He still run a 5 mins per km pace for 5km and run almost every days! He tell me how he manage his weight, which i think we(some of us) have not think of. Maybe this information will help us(or those) which have a weight problem.

In our mind, we have an ideal weight. Ok, it might not be ideal, but we do know our body. We do know the range of weights we should normally stay within. Normally the range should be within 5kg.

We can't possible stay at one weight for long. Our weight tend to fluctuate for many reasons. If you measure your weight regularly, you will know where are your current standing compare to the ranges of your normal weight. Base on this information, you will know whether you need to eat more or eat less, more workout to bring the weight back to the equilibrium.

Same workout, same food intake does not mean your weight will stay the same over a long period of time. Metabolism rate decrease with increase in age. It is not when Metabolism kick in(it is decrease everyday)...rather when will it decrease to a level that you can feel it is slowing down! Same as aging, we age everyday, we see this person everyday, next day you find him suddenly look very old. The same concept applies.

When metabolism slow down you won't know. We need to put on some weights when we grow older, that i believe is the norm. As we keep our workout regularly, look into our daily diet, we should be able to "grown" gracefully with age. :)

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