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Friday, May 04, 2007

Spiderman 3

Those cartoon movie, no matter Superman, Batman or even Spiderman are normally a sure blockbuster.
The craze at this moment is Spiderman 3. I would have watch if sweetheart agree...Sigh...:(
I was given free Spiderman 3 tickets for the show at Cathy 9:55pm tonight (4th May 07). I passed it on to my colleagues which are interested. I given up 57 movie tickets out! I would have gotten more tickets, but i decide not to utilise the rights and get more.
I heard it is a good movie. I hope those who went for the movie enjoy it too.
When i start to workout, i tend to forgo such "luxury" of life. Sacrifice the chance to socialise and have an early rest or go for workout! Life have changed ever since then. For good or bad? There is no fixed answer. I guess it depends on individual.

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