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Monday, May 21, 2007

strain right

strain right

Instead of taking care of the strain right arm muscle during weights session. It is a no brainer what happen just now.

Have reminder myself to be careful, alas sometime it is fate. *shake head in despair*

It is pretty painful now. Push opening of door, even typing now is hurting. Ouch.....:(

It started off pretty okay. Did my back, can feel the slight strain on my back, but doable.

Decide to venture out of comfort or seldom touch zone this afternoon. Did my weights on the top range of the typical weight session. Even push out of the max range, just to see how far the body can take the abuse.

Threading on uncharted territory, you are bound to get capsize easily. In this case, get hurt! Why i didn't think of that? As you push along, during the heat of the moment, you just don't care much. When you realised it, pain have set in.. Haha...:)


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