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Sunday, July 29, 2007

29 July 07 - hectic ?

Went over for OSIM this morning. I have been looking forward to OSIM to gauge my fitness for the upcoming Half IM. Unfortunately it didn't materialise. It is nobody fault, the weather just not right for the event.

It was a wet affair this morning and afternoon. I left the event in dirt, hungry and disappointed.

There are a few good things that came out of this.

1) Saw Chua Boon Keat (currently CO 41SAR)
2) Have a good chat with Chua Boon Keat
3) 20km biking, average is 31.4km/hr
4) Run for 5km in 26min.
5) Learn the minutes of triathlon event.
6) Learn the rule of biking in event.
7) Get to appreciate events that go ahead, no matter how bad the weather or terrain changes.
8) Meet up with Mothar, David Tey and many sgrunners and friends.

Reach home and clean the bike for 2nd time. As usual when i am running out of time, the delayed look longer.

Went for a dinner with a few sgrunners. Have a good time chatting and catching up.

Close to midnight now, and i am still haven't finsih updating the blog yet!

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