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Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Relationship is a very strange. All of us have to go through the relationship(courtship) phrase of life as we grow up. Some have it smooth sailing, others stumbles over and over again and find their destiny. Some forever stuck in a loop.

I am a cynic. I guess it is in the gene. My family history are...well...not the "usual"type. It is messy and maybe socially not acceptable for some. There are always 2 sides of the coin. Normally we look at the "good" side, but somehow i feel i can relate as well on the "bad" side.

There is no right or wrong. Nor socially acceptable or not. To me, i choose my own path. I am responsible for our action/future.

I have witness so many good/bad/ugly relationships. I feed sad, sayang, or happy about some of the development of it. Well that is life. Nothing is permanent. Life still goes on no matter which path we take.

Relationship is a heart vs mind game. There is no formulae that prescribe to all situations.

To me, mind can be train to adapt to situation, heart is more fragile. What do a cynic do?

Selfish aka take care of yourself?

P/S: If things going to happen, it will happened. Don't fight it! It's most probable be the "right" thing to do.

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