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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

What's up ?

Had a siong(abit) bike ride in the morning. 45 mins of it. It wasn't that i am pushing up the pace etc. Is that the legs are tired and maintaining the usual pace take extra effort.

A pool of water gather below the seat this morning after i try out bending my body forward instead of the usual newspaper reading posture. Need to learn how to go down on the handle bar and look straight.

After next 2 weeks, i don't have any more significant event coming up except on 2nd Dec. Still deliberating currently which path to take. I hate this kind of situation. I want to sign up,focus and proceed(train) on.

Had a late night yesterday as 1 of the event(i have target) have significant updated of information on their website. Spent a lot of time browsing through the information.

I know what my heart want. But I do not wish to go into the event under trained. I want to enjoy the experience long after i crossed the finishing line. Isn't sports suppose to be enjoyable! I could have claw to the finishing line within the cutoff time based on my current fitness level, but i am not going to do that.

Had a chat with the gym instructor just now on training for the event. There is a possibility, when there is a WILL. A very strong will, mind and discipline. Do i have it?

On another hand, what is going to happen in the near future i don't even know. Talk about event in Dec is too far ahead.


Head into the gym for some resistance workout during lunch. Take it easier and go for light weights. Looking at current body conditions, do not dare to even do too much. Need more rest.


Tired, no workout. Rest.

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