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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Recovery - Staying Positive

As we clog the miles, injury crept up. Some are blessed, others(mere mortals) have to live with up and down of running package.

Read on the mag on some of the techniques:

"I am that person who loves to run - running shouldn't be the only thing that defines yourself"

Instead of "Rehab takes forever. I'm never going to get out running again", "If i focus on my physical-therapy exercises right now, i can speed my recovery"

Instead of "Why me? What if i never run again?", "This injury can teach me to incorporate better recovery habits into my training plan so that I'll be less likely to get injured again."

Instead of "I'll never get back the fitness i have before my injury", "If i use my rehab as an opportunity to develop some new strengths, I'll come back as an ever stronger runner"

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