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Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Felt breathless at times yesterday evening, even going up the escalator! I have no idea why! Even simple task seems so breathless!

This morning swim is no better. The usual ache on the arms wasn't there and i am surprise. Less than 800 meters i am breathless! It just doesn't act up! Am i pushing hard? Maybe so, i don't quite understand what happened! Felt like after blood donation feeling! Wait, my BD was about a month ago! Delayed syndrome? Maybe i had stressed myself up last night.

Stop at the wall and rest. Took a lighter approach and look at how other swim and complete the swim leisurely.

I swam for 1hr, no idea the exact distance, over 2km definitely though.


A visit to a restaurant that i have not step in...hmmm...more than 7 years back! How fast times flies! Take a step back and see in clearer perspective.



A short 7.5km run this evening. Apart from various tactical halt to wait for others, it is a pretty good run.

We did 3 sets of staircase climbing. A good climb too. Mouth abit dry though, will need to bring water next time round..:)

Seeya next week.

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