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Wednesday, February 06, 2008


How to measure effort?

Same distance, same pace, different effort = same finishing time.

50 mins on the bike, same resistance, more effort = similar distance covered.

The effort is good, the puddle of water around the bike + the soaked socked indicated a tough session.

It is time to give way to the Rat. :p

Head for the gym in the afternoon for weights. Have to do one last time before the gym closed for the festive season. Another session to get myself ready for the coming makans.

A pretty good session, body ache! Still need to condition myself better especially after Tokyo event.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Work = The Force * Distance * Cos(Angle of inclination)

Power = Work / time

As the "similar distance" is not qualified as the same distance covered, therefore I assume that a different angle of inclination has not been measured in your calculations.

What do you say doc?