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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Training difference

There are many schools of thought. Too many ways to reach the same destination. What works today, might not be the normal practice in the future. What works for us might not work for others.

What works for us, apart from using common sense and learn from the experiences are to use the best approach - test it ourself. In term of running, despite running for my 10th marathon next weekend, i am still learning on the "run". Time ticking on, age catching up, we have to adapt to changes to the environment. What works now, might not work tomorrow.

It is not that I do not have the patient to wait. I am confidence I don’t need that “long” period to built up. If i want to attempt the event, i will plan adequate training within the shortest possible time to complete it. There is no distance that is too long, no event that is too tough. The key is to be ready and focus on achieving it. Provide i have interested to do it.

Marathon is too long to do it? It took me 3 months to prepare for it after running my first 21km. Ironman is too tough, it took me 3 months to train for it after my first Half Ironman. What is tough? It is only tough in the mind, it wasn't that bad when the race went "live".

If i can survive the training, i know i should be ready. If i remain fresh and healthy at the starting line, i know i have a very high chance of completing it. There is the element of luck that cannot be discounted. Add 3 of them together, I am READY.

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