Edging closer to D-Day
Despite tuning the alarm to 5 mins earlier, i still leave home the same time as yesterday. This have to do with attitude not the time to wake up. Even if i tune the clock to 30 mins to wake up early, i am still going to be late! Why am i acting this way?
Despite being late, i still proceed to swim. Pacer uncle is not swimming today, i do not know why, i feel relieve and swim smoothly. Maybe without him, i am less stress?
15 sets of 200 meters circuit. Phew! It was a relax swim. Cool. A bit hot at the time, due to the late start, but i manage to pull it off. 1:20hr for the effort, okay lah. Given the circumstance, i think 3km is a good distance.
This conclude the longest swim before next weekend D-Day.
HR went up after the swim, couldn't understand why, feel slightly difficult. Sigh.
Back abit sng in the afternoon, maybe i accidentally hurt when i carry the "small" printer! Sigh...
Head for the gym for weights session in the evening. Wet floor and slow traffic. This gym like have 5 sets of the same kind of weights. If this set of weight are occupied, can go another 10 meters away for other. No need to worry about no equipments! Cool! Why i didn't realised it before hand! I must be blind!
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