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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

9 months

It has been around 9 months. 9 months from my first triathlon event.

After 1 x Desaru HIM, 1 x Aviva 70.3, 1 x Busselton IM, 1 x Haikou IM. Do i consder a triathlete? I used to say No. Do i consider the same now?

Triathlon is not difficult. I have been doing the relevant workouts for many months, not with training for triathlon in mind. Moving upwards is just a natural progression. My fitness gain over many marathons stand me in good stead for what prove a strong foundation to push for longer distance.

My fitness has experience a dip. I haven't feel so bad since i started my workout in 2004. Confidence are leaking as days goes by. I do not know if this is what it is called "aging", but i am
feeling the low currently.

At this moment, i do not know what is going to happen in the future. I don't think the current issue(that i am aware of) is the cause of fitness dip. The unknown is more frighten than enemies in great numbers.

Will i survive? *finger crossed*

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