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Sunday, June 08, 2008


I was glad to see Mike, Soo Wah and Dexter.

Aiyoh, Soo have giving birth 3 months earlier have not manage to reduce her tummy...so sad...

Dexter is adorable to say the least. I have to observe what is the similarity between Soo and Dexter :p According to Mike, it is the grumpy nature that is similar! Hehe.

Weather was cool..around 16-23deg c today. Their home is about 20 mins from Amsterdam.

There is a small masam malam near their place, we take a walk, see/look.

Afternoon head over to Leiden town to take a look. A busy small town area. Realise that Rembrandt childhood is in Leiden.

This is alot of new things i can find here. Eg pathway just for bikers! Traffic light just for bikers! Exclusive public rubbish chute just for those staying nearby! Dutch is the average tallest people in the world!

No public toilet, a use of the toilet at cafe without making any purchase is 50cents(euro)! Everything here is in dutch language. Young people some English(since it is inside their school syllabus).

The Dutch take a slow approach in life. Order a coffee at the pub will take 20-30mins. There is a few "coffee" joints here that means "drug" center. Selling heroin is legitimate here, and it is operate with a license. A sort of culture shock to see people taking a shot in public!

Current day light is from 5am to 10pm(so long!) Tiring! I am struggling to keep myself awake due to the time different(6hrs slower than Singapore). I don't remember experience this while in US but in Europe it is a different story. I just have to force myself to go over the Jet lag problem.

I am adapting well. Pretty tiring as i don't have a good sleep on the flight and the long day today trying to stay awake and force myself to sleep base on their clock.

Photos here.

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