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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

satisfaction of Marathon finisher

What is the most satisfying feeling after finishing a marathon or ultra marathon or any endurance race that most people will relish?

Is it the high that you have finish an event that is deem "crazy" by norm?
Is it a PB that show improvement of your training?
Is it the finisher tee that say you are a "finisher"?
Is it the preparation and building up to the event that is most satisfying?

After more than a dozen of those "crazy" events, no matter how well or bad that come along with it, the one area that don't failed to cheer me up is......

The Sweet Pain that come after it.

The ouch, ache, pain, sore or whatever phrase there are, the sweet pain that knowing i have push through my comfort zone is unbelievable....satisfying....Wahaha....

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