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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thursday - Woes

Tried to sleep early, failed again last night. :(

For the past few weeks, i have been constantly woke up with a bit short of breath. Is it HR or sometime else. It happens about 5 seconds or so and disappear. Maybe i have a scary dream or some sort, i don't really know.

I was tired keep yawning on the way to the pool. I decide to skip workout in the morning and take a breather. A slack might do me good. I must try to sufficient sleep. I need to.

On a half day leave later. Hopefully will catch some sleep in the afternoon.

Before heading for the appointment, manage to squeeze in a 50 mins bike session in the gym. I guess it is difficult to hang around doing nothing. All space time end up working up! Sad...:(

After appointment, catch up on sleep! Haha...shiok to take leave and sleep at home! Ended up night time have abit trouble sleep...:)

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