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Saturday, August 02, 2008

Unfinish 25 :(

I wasn't feeling well the night before. In fact i asked my colleague, was the aircon slightly cold(in the afternoon), he replied, it is more like you are sick! :(

Woke up feeling much better and proceed to meet up with the rest of the gang at MR after picking up Too Kua.

Start off a bit fast(i think), i was struggling before the i came out of the wood. Almost 25mins to get out, i think it is okay lah.

Reach lower pierce toilet still feeling okay. Then was a bit slow do the typical loop to the gate. I was tired, or is it i just lost the interest in running. It just don't sense, but i walk abit to reach back at the toilet. Sigh.

Walk quite a distance at the golf and hopefully it will recover to go further. Unfortunately not really.

Turn into Rifle Range road and still feeling can last the distance. But my mind have make up to take a short cut and make my way back. I was feeling abrasion at the groin area, and my cheek is feeling the ache from the hobbling aka running.

The rest proceed to do 25km route, whereas i decide to break away. I started to walk and walk. Didn't try to run much. Just walk back to the carpark mostly.

I started to feel headache and feel like throwing up. Something is wrong. Maybe i am sick.

It didn't take long when i reach back, before the rest stomp back.

Feel abit down for not finishing the distance today. Burnz, Bi, CCF, ZBJ, Tao, Kua, Fennel, Stuck, Buay, Piglet, lynn and Piglet's friend joined us this morning. Quite a good turnout.

Bath and went makan with the rest.


Meet up with TP(Ex colleague) for lunch. It is good to catch after the last(2 years ago? in KL). I have this feeling we will meet up more often in the future. :)

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