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Tuesday, December 02, 2008


It is not how much hours i get per day. But rather how much quality sleep i am getting that is more concern to me.

Couldn't get to sleep on Monday morning. SH asked me whether something is bother me. I paused and smile back. Yes, something is bothering me.

Sleep early on Monday evening 10pm+ and wake up on the dot! It was a much better quality sleep

I am waking up early nowadays for the past couple of weeks for my dawn workout. The reason is that my work official hours are 8:00am. Although we have a flexibility to start at 7:30am and 8:30am. Ever since i start to go PF for my early workout, i have to start my work at 8:30am. If i am late for work due to traffic conditions, it is very "bright".

Since the gym start at 6am, if i follow that timing, i should be able to reach office at 8am. If road condition is no good, i can still make it by 8:30am. Furthermore i can leave on the dot for my evening workout, rather than waiting another 30mins which eat into my precious time and i can give myself more time to reach for the class.

That means i have to wake up slightly early than norm. What to do? Sigh.

Head to the pool this morning. It was a much relax pace driving to the pool this morning, as i woke up early, "touch here touch there" and skip/hop to the pool.

It was a decent swim. I think i swam 2km. Have this sneaky feeling either i am super slow or swim more as it takes me 65mins this morning. This kind of timing more like 2.5km!

Nevermind at this moment, this is good enough.

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