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Saturday, March 21, 2009

A short weekend run

(Tau Pau)

The alarm went off at 4:30am. I didn't have a good night sleep thus decide to sleep through.

At 6am, have to wake up and decide to proceed with workout.

Initially is plan for a 20km run, ended up the body just couldn't get into the swim and i ended up do a run/walk for about 7km from the start. Finished in 50mins. I don't know what happen, just feel chuan but HR seems okay. Maybe it is psychological problem. Maybe it is not.

The group is doing 40km run to prepare for Sundown. I was fortunate to be there to give them a hand.

Let see, i gave out 14 cans of 100-plus, 1 bottle of H20, 1 bottle of coke, a bunch of bananas & few pieces of rocher(chocolate). I reciprocate i get Katong Laksa, Nasi Lemak, Otak, Rojak, Hokkien Mee, Fried Mee Sua and Tau Pau. Slurp.

It was a heavy tummy....and i didn't run that long......damn.....

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