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Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Run

Today is the replacement holiday. There, we are again in MR early morning.

Someone ask me during the run, are we crazy? She is waking up early on weekends compare to weekdays. We are not! We are waking up late on weekdays(that is 5 days!) and only have to wake up early on Saturday and Sunday! The crazy ones are those that are waking up early on weekdays(5 days compare to 2 days)!

I look forward to waking up late on weekdays and still have sufficient time to do my workouts before reaching work. Whereas the rest of the folks dread dragging to work on weekdays. These are people that get too caught up in their mundane way of life.

Life is short. There is not a need to make it more difficult.

Tao, CCF, Too Bi, Slack, TJ, Baobei, Zhuer, Yeehua, Chiccharron, Jeffery and myself started our run towards Lower Pierce.

25mins to reach the clear opening and i am still feeling not that bad! I expect worse. I have to take it easy if i am going to last the distance this morning and run conservatively. I think with that in mind, i did much better than anticipated. The last 2 days of workout have definitely take out quite a fair bit of myself.

The run from clear opening to LP carpark isn't that bad, as the run is still in early "distance" and it was downslope for most part. I reached carpark feeling fine. Time is 43mins.

Next stop is at the entrance towards upper pierce. I was doing fine, but somehow i found myself to be lagging further and further behind! Hmm...what is happening? I refrain on catching up and continue to go at a comfortable pace. I guess i am the sweeper by 50 meters or slight longer when we break for a halt again.

We cut into Woodcutter trail and i take the lead to run through it. It is a slow pace(my pace since i am leading), taking tactical halt at key junction to regroup. Although not 100% sure of the path, with the number of runners we have, we did manage to make a smooth journey out to Zheng Hua.

Knowing what lies in front, i have to conserve energy and run comfortably tagging somewhere at the back. It wasn't really that tough(compare to last weekend). Maybe i am controlling my pace better and walk at most slopes. I try not to take short cut today if the body is able to take it. Someone did mentioned doing Northern route(MR) along the way, but was told she didn't take that "route ok!".

It was an "oasis" when we reached the end of Rifle Range road going into MR area. Gen is there doing support for another running group and they have plenty of 100plus! Wow! I couldn't ask for me at this stage! *though i secretly wish it was cold!*

We took a longer break, chit chat with other runners and even have a group photo! Out of the nowhere, Seo Too appear! Wow! He did come okay! Though 2 hours late! Apparently the alarm didn't goes off! *ok give you benefit of doubt*.

We continue our run towards ranger station. I still feel good, but choose to walk almost all the slope. I need to be conservative in my approach. Baobei got floored again behind me as we are approaching the ranger station. Hmm....Lucky only slight abrasions on both her knees. One more pit stop and it is OTOT back to MR(carpark). Distance: 20.5km

Still feeling okay. I ran slowly and manage to run nonstop all the way till the upslope after the golf course with 4 other folks in close proximity. I think this is very good, i am doing much better than anticipated.

The last stretch is pretty good as well, except for slopes(which i choose to walk). I ran most of the way until carpark.

Distance: 26.5km.
Time taken: 4:03hr
Finish: 11:03am

I have to run conservatively until i get the mileage firmly in place before i tune up the pace. I have 6 months to achieve this. I hope i can regain most of the fitness by then.

1 comment:

031206 said...

jia you xiaozhu!!!