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Sunday, October 18, 2009

Deepavali Weekend

An extra long weekend for me...Tired...:)

Saturday morning, i left home at 4:35am on my bike towards ECP. I was late, am i? I don't know the distance, just whack and see.

I reached ECP F2 park 30mins later. Total distance 12km+. Wait for 5 mins, some more is late, so i proceed to changi point.

As usual head towards costal road, turn left first, start of ECP, u-turn back towards changi point.

I was surprise to see changes on costal road, seem so much better with better lighting, especially near the country club areas.

Hmm..what is that late comer, he should catch up by now! To my surprise, he is already at changi point carpark waiting, i guess we just miss each other when i make the additional distance at the start of the coastal road.

We proceed to do a small loop towards commando camp. Hmm..the slope is a minor one...seems different when i last run over that area!

We head back to F2, reached there 6:45am feeling pretty good. Distance slightly above 45km.

We have our wedding triathlon for Benson and Wee San. It was an interesting event.

Quite a number of people are involved in preparation. I am glad that we have meet our objective for the event.

I hope everyone enjoy the sessions and the very sporty couple have a everlasting memory of this day.

Nephew's Birthday bash in the late afternoon + a wedding dinner in the evening. Make it a tiring Saturday.

Sunday, left home around 6:20am. Reached SP carpark at 6:45am. We started our run slightly after 7am.

Since this is a week before NF, this is suppose to be tapering run. The reason for running in SP, are various folds. 1) There are slopes at NUS, 2) Don't want to risk getting injure in the trail at this morning, 3) recee SP stadium for future weekend LSD start point venue.

After last evening of drinking, felt dehydrate even before the run. Already try to drink as much water as possible, alas the lip still dry.

It was raining when we reached NUS and have to catch shelter at NUS Guild house. We waited for quite a while before we proceed again.

Engine has a start/stop throughout today run and i am feeling slight difficult to fire up the engine. :(

Legs are slight heavy and seems taking more effort to run. I just have to endure abit given the short distance today. Maybe last night drink did affect the body for the run this morning.

Slow and steady and with some "evil distractions", manage to finish the run around 2:30hr for a 15km effort. Glad that i have completed the run without too much agony.

Have to rush off to inlaw place during mid afternoon, before heading for my cousin's daughter first year old birthday at Coastal Sand.

Since i am there, just head into the water and take a deep.

Seems like abt chuan during the swim, maybe body not recover yet! So decide to cut short the distance. 1km in 24mins effort. Didn't expect the swim, glad that i make it!

It is a tiring Deepavali weekend.

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