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Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tuesday Workout

A combination of a few things that leads me to missing my workout in the morning! I was slightly disappointed, but not too much as i know i can still afford to do the swim in the afternoon.

I did swam in the pool in the afternoon. It was a relax and calm swim. For the 53mins(2km), i get a sun burnt(not tan!) for it ! Damn!

I think i starting to like the afternoon swim! Especially without much people to disturb!

I am finally back at CBD this evening.

It was pretty okay at the start of the run. Feeling abit of heel ache when i reached MF. Also feeling abit of chuan when i start the climb.

It wasn't like that on the way to MF, i was feeling strong and good. Don't know why suddenly on the climb start to feel chuan. Getting a bad feeling! Still manage to climb up and did a loop of MF(at the top). Was feeling slight tired, but more importantly the feel on the heel and PF is scary. I don't want to get injure!

Given the nature of things, i decide to stop. Maybe i am feeling mentality weak, or i am just wanting to err on the safe side. :)

Took a long walk down with Burnz. We chit chat and enjoy each other accompany. At the foot, we start to slow jog again, feeling strong when i reached TP again. I think covered 10km run distance this evening.

Ok lah, just a little workout...and hopefully can do better in the near future.

Seems like going to be a long period before PF is recovered.

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