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Monday, October 12, 2009

Another Beginning

More or less it is the conclusion for Northface training, the super long run in the trail has completed. It is going to be another phrase of training for me in my attempt to regain my fitness.

The truth about fitness is never your friend is a hard fact that is difficult to accept. I have put in many hours to keep fit and abit of going "awol" leads to such drop in fitness(pace) is something i didn't expected. I guess i have learned that given my age and health, nothing is to be taken for granted.

I am feeling better, at least i am getting back some confidence to go longer distance on the run. Thanks to the Northface training.

Next target is SCSM for the group. I will be training with them. Guess the late waking up on Saturday is going to be history. :)

Next phrase will be getting the pace up. Going to see a few more intervals coming up along the way.

I hope i will have the discipline to pull through. Another 5 months to go for Panther.


Head to the gym in the morning for a good start to the week.

Spent 50mins on the weights, feeling fresh and good. Legs abit tired, which is a surprised despite a day of rest yesterday.

I am surprise that the road is pretty empty. Must be school holiday...:)

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