Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Sunday, November 26, 2006
SCSM 06 - Pacer Team
A month back i have decided to be part of this year SCSM 06 Pacer Team. It is a community service rendered to the runners organised primarily by Trifam group. I am not a fast or gifted runner. I hope with my small effort here will make it a special day for someone out there.
The team have started training together about 1 month or so back. Make up of runners from different sectors. Due to my New York event, i didn't run with the team often. Nevertheless i do have opportunities to run with the intented group of runners doing similiar timings.
Being a Pacer put additional responsibility on the shoulder. This is not about personal glory. This is not about US, this is about the RUNNERS. We want to assist as many runners as possible to reach their intended time target.
It is not that simple being a Pacer aka hare for other to pace, drift or tag along. All Pacer team members have completed quite a handful of Marathons. All the pacer are assigned to a time slot that are much lower than their Personal Best(PB). In fact some of us are going to hit PB again, by running the slowest Marathon timing for being a Pacer!
We don't have much goodies given, the only ONE that i have taken is to purchase the Pacer running gear at S$45(subsidise price). If you call that goodie! This is purely based on community services on the runner(pacer) part to assist other runners.
I am officially handed the timeslot of 5:00hr with 5 more runners. Any runners aiming for 5hrs, do follow us. We'll bring you to your intended target.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
1 week prior to SCSM 06
I am feeling well, but somehow my confidence has wan due to the previous few runs. I am struggling to complete the distance. This time round(after NYC) i have trouble running(finishing the distance). Suspect i have not recover from the race in New York. I shouldn't have this problem, but i guess the first couple of days immediately after the event play an important part and i am not able to do a decent recovery exercises to flush out those latic acid. No choice, have to learn through it.
Work is piling up and it have distrupted the training schedules. Nevertheless, i did pretty okay, given the fact i should be tapering down. I don't like to taper, i find kinda of funny doing less and get agitated. suck!
Went to CBD and did a 9km run. Heeshen and myself have alot to catch up after missing each other for the last 2-3weeks leow.
Wednesday was down at Polar HQ(Beach Road) and got a loan RS800 for SCSM 06, we did a 5km run to get use to the watch at the same time.
Thursday drag myself to the track in Seragoon and do calibration of the RS800 to prepare for the run on Saturday. Did 3 sets of 1.2km.
Saturday at East Coast did a 16km run. I feel much stronger and better than last week. The weather is cooler than last week or maybe i have recovered.
Went down to Suntec for SCSM expo, there are many booths compare to last year. It was more fun going with a lot of too's.....hahaha...
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Vertical Marathon 2006
Finally it is time for Vertical Marathon. I was looking forward to the event when i started training for Mount Kinabalu Climbathon. I will like to know how much have i improved on previous timing. Sub 10 mins?
After Mount Kinabalu about 1.5months ago, i have not climb since then. I was concentrating on New York Marathon. Neglected the climb and swim at the same time.
This week, i was exhausted. Most probably due to New York Marathon. Have a run with the Pacer group at NIE(previous) stadium on Tuesday evening. Did 4 sets of 2km in 6:30min/km pace. I was exhausted, even though the pace wasn't fast in any sense. I do not know why, i feel exhausted. The whole evening afterward was feeling from bad to worse.
I was suppose to do 32km on Wednesday, but i didn't completed the entire distance. I did about 22-23km and decided i have enough. My body/lung have enough. I am tired to an extend i do not wish to push anymore given the condition. I do not wish to be overtrained and get myself injury in the process.
Given such circumstance, plus my wednesday climb at Toa Payoh of 3 sets of 40 stories(wanna do 4 sets), this climb i shall do it slow and steady up. I am not in a condition to push for a better result that last year. I'm just not train enough for this.
I was there at 8am(reporting time) with sweetheart. I saw quite a number of sgrunners and toofamily members there. It was a hot day, similiar to yesterday run. The weather was bad and i just want to be in shady or aircon places.
My details consists of heeshen, alvo and 136 that i know. We are in details 77. We started off pretty ok. 136 run off pretty "quick". We chit chating during the climb in the beginning, which is pretty refreshing as to lessen each other tension and slow everybody pace down abit. I managed to run abit until 8 storey before decided to quick steps the climb up before fatigue creep it. Last year i run up 30 storey before walking up the rest. I overtook 136 around 10 storey and Heeshen follow tightly behind me for the next 30 storey.
It started to overtake folks from other details around 6-8 storey. I was pretty surprised, as last year i started to overtake about 50-60 storey. The organiser have not done due diligent on the participants fitness. I even overtake ladies which are suppose to be at least 8-10 details infront.
It was a relax run, i wasn't panting too much and i quite enjoy the climb, given there are so many people to overtake. 1 particular indian was irritating that keep hogging the lane infront. Keep wanting to lead the pace infront which he is definitely not capable to last and slow me down a bit. I follow him about 5-6 storey until buay tahan and ask him to excuse me and surge forward. Can't keep the pace, automatic keep to the side and let faster climber to bypass then. Keep hogging the line and make people fustrated behind is bad.
I finished the climb in 11:15mins. Guess i haven't even warm up yet and the race already over. I would have did better given the freshness i feel at the top. Well another day ba.
I took quite a few pictures of the surronding on the top and some runners that i know of. I keep looking out for a photographer(ger) that was here last year and didn't see her and was dissapointed.
It was a good climb for me. I am better equip to do handle the rails and making use of it for the climb. I think from technically point, i am did good. Fitness wise, wasn't there to match the technique. Need to work on that next time i have another climb event.
I need higher climb challenge. Maybe Mount Fuji Race.
More pictures here
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
New York Marathon - Report
It started a year ago around sept/oct after i read the book(Anything for a T-Shirt) by Fred Lebow. I was attracted to his book and get to know about NYC history. I followed NYC marathon 2005 closely. Shortly after i decided that i should take part in NYC marathon sometime in the future. Little did i know it come the year after, despite the strict qualification and the luck with lottery.
Due to the timing of my various events, i did not have the luxury to train probable for it. Nevertheless, i have been keeping my fitness at a level which i believe will stand me good when the time arrived. Anyway, i am treating this as running cum holiday. I intend to run slowly, take pictures and immense myself in the carnival atmosphere.
Pre Marathon
I arrived in New York on Wednesday evening after a 20hr flight. Did 2 runs prior to the event on Sunday and realised how cold the weather can be. Get myself equipped with more clothes and accessories to combat with the cold. The carbo loading Barilla dinner is pretty good and COLD, it is the first for me to attend the organiser carbo loading session.
Marathon Day - Journey to the start
I have difficulties to have a good night sleep. I have never had this problem before for my previous Marathons. I finally got up at 5:30am. Get myself prepared and left the hotel at 6am. It was a good 20 mins walk to the central library in the cold. The last shuttle bus to start line at Staten Island is 6:30am. The intent is to take the last few buses to Staten Island as i do not wish to stay in the open cold weather for any longer than it is necessary.
When i reached central library i was shocked to see hugh crowd. It must be thousand of runners queuing up for the buses to Staten Island! I was stuck in the queue for 40mins with many runners around. I am not disturb as any delay for me is a gain, i dread staying in the open in Staten Island. I was impressed with the way the organiser arrange the bus pickup. There is no panic, no pushing and shoving and the system move smoothly and bus loaded of runners is transfer in a well order mannered.
Reaching Staten Island
The bus journey took another 45mins to Staten Island. It was longer than anticipated. I do not know why, but the bus did stop at the expressway on a fair bit of time. I arrived at the start time around 8:30am. It was cold walking around the holding area. There are 3 holding areas and i am in Blue staging area. There are more than 10 thousands of runners in 1 holding area. All sort of runners from many countries are there. The queue for the coffee, tea, Poland Spring Natural Spring Water, Gatorade, bagels and portable toilets are long. Each queue took around 15-20mins. It is amazing seeing other runners preparing for the run. Most come in prepared-thick clothes, ground sheet, sleep bag and even thrash bag! It was an eye opening.
Prior to the start, there is a firework display by the Air force. How do watch fireworks in the morning? I heard sounds though. Maybe it is the place where i position that is why i can't see anything. I position at the corral where 4:30hr pace team reside.
The Start
At 10am, the gun goes off and the start of New York Marathon 2006 had begun on Staten Island.
It took me about 9mins to cross the starting point with cheering from both sides of the roads. It was a magnificent site to behold running onto Verrazano-Narrows bridge. Ants of runners in front and behind, helicopters flying high in the sky. It was a good start. Soon, a lot of male runners ran towards the side of the bridge and start to pee! Well, there is just something that doesn't change whether it is in Singapore, Malaysia or even US. If you have to go, you just have to do it!
It took my time and soak in the atmosphere with camera either in the pouch or on hand to snap any interesting sight. I was going at a good pace, trying to slow down whenever possible to conserve for the long road ahead. I started to feel warm and eventually hot with the gear i am in. I am worry about throwing the extra clothing as according to the weather forecast, it is going to get cold later. I find the taking out of the clothing is troublesome too, i guess i haven't run in the cold enough to know what is the most efficient way of disposing the clothes while maintaining the momentum. I was running with these dilemmas 3/4 of the race.
After Staten Island, we headed into Brooklyn for the first 13 miles of the route. For the first 8 miles, the 3 colour corral groups are separated.
There are a lot of interesting sites on the run. This is my first official race in US, and everything is new to me. The band playing "live" by the side of the street or on the roof top. Church goes coming out to cheer the runners, residents of their respective town step up to encourage the participants. Good looking firemen(Hunk) and their RED hot fire engine blocking key junctions. It is like a big carnival that involved the entire New York! Accordingly to the official statistic there are 2.5 million spectators will be lining up along the route is not exaggerating, there are many of them coming out to show the support of runners. It was an awesome sight. I saw a runner in rhino running "gear" request to protect endangered animals. Sofa brought out from home to the street to sit comfortably and cheering. Runner doing jugging on the run! Infant out in the cold with their mum cheering. Friends, relative cheering their respective runners while passing their neighbour. Fruits, drinks, sweets, chewing gum and serve by the "non-official" supporter to all runners. It was incredible!
For the first 13 miles, i feel my running wasn't great, but doable. Heart rate was erratic, they are many factors which could are the contributing factors. The cold weather, the supportive crowd, excitement, the long/cold wait at the start, not enough sleep prior, over run in the tapering week(i did close to 70km on Marathon week!) etc. I can't run properly if heart rate is not stable. I did 10km in 1:03hr which is within range(although around the faster end of the spectrum). 20km completed in 2:11hr. The timing for first half of the run is decent.
Queens - Long Island
Accordingly to the official map, we should covered between 2-3 miles of Queen territory before heading out again. I couldn't recall much about running in Queens as it was a short distance, but i do remember the bridges crossing into Queens and out of Queens. It has gentle upslope, which suit me perfectly. I need to flex my other part of calf muscles to give it a well deserve workout and relieve other part of running muscles. Took me 2:47hr to reached 25km, making it 36mins split for the last 5km.
Crossing the long Queensboro Bridge onto Manhattan was a hugh morale booster with thousand of spectators lining on both sides the roads in Manhattan. Take a look at the pictures, there are hugh numbers of crowd cheering! I started to feel tired in this portion of the route. I guess my body isn't capable to take it anymore. The pace had slowed significantly. Completed 30km in 3:21hr. Took me 34mins for the last 5km.
The Bronx
We ran slightly more than 1 mile in Bronx. It seems the entire route is running on the highway! Most runners on the road were tired or have reached their "Wall". It takes a while to grit through the transition of energy usage from Glycogen to Fat burning, for those familiar with running long distance.
Manhattan (Halrem)
Heading back to Manhattan again. I have long adopted a run/walk strategy whenever i run into an energy crisis. I am pretty good at this given the fact that i hardly seem anyone overtaken or match my pace during the few Marathons that i have entered. I reached 35km in 4:01hr. I have covered the last 5km in 40mins.
Manhattan (Central Park)
The end was near when i had reached Central Park. It was still a long way to covered, but running outside of Central Park does have the impact on morally that you are closed. Reached 40km in 4:36hr. I had covered 5km in 35mins.
The Finishing
I DID IT. Crossed the finishing line on 4:50hr. That is a good 14mins for 2.195km. It was not the fastest time i had did in Marathon. I have completed one of the Major Marathon if not the The Number 1 Marathon in the World.
The Long Road Back
It was another well mannered queue to return the transponder, pick up the baggage service. It froze me again when the body cools down from the run.
It was a long long queue on the road to the subway. I witness pocket of small confrontations between runners, ordinary folks with the police on safety issue forcing hundreds of runners queuing to cross the road. It was bloody cold for me to strangle there, can't moved forward or backward. I should have took the 25mins walk back to the hotel instead!
I reached hotel with the same attire i have stepped out 10-11 hours ago! Nothing feel good than a HOT bath!
I wonder
It is definitely an eye opening experience for me to be part of New York Marathon 06. A lot of valuable advice from various folks on the entire trip, from flight, accommodation, places of interested, general information of New York, running related matters etc. These come in very handy and appreciate your sharing. Till next time, another challenge ahead.
Note: Pictures of Marathon click here
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Pictures on New York Trip
Day 1 - 1 Nov - Touch down in New York City
Day 2 - 2 Nov - Wall Street/Statue of Liberty/ Race Expo
Day 3 - 3 Nov - Early morning run/Empire State Building
Day 4 - 4 Nov - International Friendship Run/Barilla Dinner
Day 5 - 5 Nov - New York Marathon
Day 6 - 6 Nov - Ground Zero/Madison Square Garden
Official pictures of myself during the marathon.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
What does completing 26.2 miles mean?

Sweet Dreams
What do you define sweet dreams? Having a good night sleep with in between smiling in while doing it?
Well, i was travelling down Time Square today and went into Hershey's outlet! For those that have a soft spot for chocoloate and sweet stuffs, do hold yourself.
That is a pillow with the Sweetest Chocolates pillowcase ever make by Hershey's
I was thinking of purchasing it, but i doubt anybody can sleep with it with so much sweetness that associate with it.


