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Saturday, May 19, 2007

2 Star - day 1

I have decided after the completion of 1 STAR kayak course , i will be doing 2 STAR in the near future. Mark and myself signed up for the course, whereas the other two 1 STAR kaki decide to stop there for various reasons.

I was late for the class by 5 min. Due to the late start of the run, i have to rush through my warm down, stretching, and wash up! I forget an important thing again! Only realise this when i was having the theory lesson! I forget to have my breakfast! This morning due to waking up late, i didn't have a time to have breakfast! After the run, i have plan to have my breakfast(bread purchased yesterday evening). I know i will not have appetite for food after the run, but i do know i need to eat something to sustain myself! Alas my first meal have to come at lunch...:(

We are using Dancer instead of Bandit for our 2 STAR. It is an easy boat to move straight, but manoeuvre wise will be harder! Capsize is pretty easier too! I have capsize, due to mishap or drills, more than 10 times today! It is a record for me!

The morning portion is to revisit 1 STAR skills. Or rather it is to make use of the skilled learned on Dancer. Different boat, different character, different outcome from the various strokes that was learned from Bandit!

Saw KJ and Taz coming over for leisure kayak while we went across to Beach Road Market. The lure of Kayak and Food is too much to resist. :)

It was a much relax control learning in 2 STAR compare to 1 STAR. We are taught how to fine tune our skill in 1 STAR. For 2 STAR training, can feel there is quite a gap between the standard! I have a good training today as i struggling with Eskimo bow rescue. I did at least 4 times without success! Haha...that is good...it give me extra impetus to learn/prefect the drill!

Saw Run3 and LaoKayu and a few more Sgrunners. while they are doing their run. I think it is Singhealth kind of organised event ba.

I enjoy the lesson and the accompany. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

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