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Saturday, May 19, 2007

LSD - 31

It is about a month to Penang Marathon. LSD of 30km+ should be a common workouts. Last week 32km does not auger well for the morale. To be fair, 32km is a 32km. Weather you run, walk or crawl. It is still 32km. The most important to me is that i finished 32km no matter what it takes.

I like to plan my runs based on the event. I realise that if i have set up my mind to complete a ** distance base on training schedule, if i complete the distance it will give me more confident than feeling nagging when i do not meet the training target. Even my walking, i have given my body the necessary workout based on distance.

When we train, we try train based on race conditions. May it be the course is hilly or hot weather, we do try to train base on these conditions. How about when you are tired? What should you do? Naturally you walk when you are tired. Then why don't we train on that portion during training runs? If you are tired, you walk! Not by cutting short the distance!

There are other different school of thoughts for preparing for a Marathon. There is no right or wrong, good or bad. It is about how you appreciate the situation and prepare yourself to the best of your judgement.

I overslept this morning and we start the run around 5:45am.

The objective is to cover 31km at Kallang-Marina-Clark Quay loop. The tide was extremely low and weather was prefect when we started. I was feeling abit uneasy about the run this early portion. Just couldn't get the rhythm going. I did tell Francis that i have trouble setting down and his feedback is that he need to go paisai! Haha. I always enjoy my run with Francis(alone). We have lots of things to discuss and we do not much reservation about our feelings like i ran with others. Maybe it is the trust that we have developed over the past couple of years. He understand my feeling and i hope i understand his as well.

The run in Marina is pretty cool. Running in the mist is an enjoyable experience. Couldn't hope for a better run conditions. Cool!

We took a longer break at Marina Jetty as Francis need to let go his "bomb". Haha.

We have a cold 100+ stop at Da Zang Jing! It was a motivation factor that we relish!

We split out along Clark Quay as Francis need a breather while i push on. It is nice to run alone and complete the remaining distance on my own. I need the mental training and running on my pace.

I did 2 loops of Clark Quay-Esplanade-Boat Quay! I did feel abit tired, but still manageable! The right knee cap did give ache during the early part of the run! The calves behave itself today!

I was feeling good, not those struggling to finish runs and enjoy a decent run back to the end point in 3:52 hr.

A good run? I guess given the conditions, it should be consider a good run.

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