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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

CBD - 15 May 07

Have a pretty good turnout today. A couple of new faces today.

I still having second thoughts of running today! My left calf still ache. Even during today swim, i can feel the muscle aching. But since i have come to CBD leow, don't waste the opportunity! Also maybe a run could help me to ease the muscle recovery.

We started off in pretty good pace. I sort of expected it with some of the faster runners joining us. I have decide to stay with the lead pack and tag along the pace and see how far i can go. I would say i enjoy the run, the pace is good for me. I feel it is around 5:30min.

The latest sensation - muscle ache i feel this morning during the swim has surface during the run. The muscle seem like pulling while i stride along. It was disappointing.

I decide to call it a day at Marina MRT. I don't want to take anymore risk. I walk back to TP MRT. I reached end point in 1:02hr for 9.5km distance.

It was disappointing to "walk" back. Alas stay healthy to run on another day!

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