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Monday, July 02, 2007

It's a GO

Slept late and couldn't get myself to sleep. Maybe it is the weather, maybe it is something else.

Woke up with a fresh "body". Arms are feeling good, no ache or whatever which is good. Legs are feeling equally fresh as well. All system check so far is a GO for the run up for the next couple of months. Sound like i am in the starting block of a super siong event, waiting for the gun to go off.

This afternoon weights session will reveal how the "internal" feel. Hopefully it will turn out positively.

Get a shock this morning on the weighing machine. I put on additional 2kg after i came back from Penang! OMG, i know i have taken a bit too much bite, but....ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...........*slap head*....Hopefully after today sessions i would be able to reduce it by half...:p

Went up the bike for 50 mins this morning. Slow and steady do it. Pushing up the resistance whenever the body have adapt and comfortable on it.

Going to get interesting and challenging.


Body is reacting well to the weights. Seems like we are back on track. Before long, i am halted. During Lat pull down, i overstrain my arms. I think the angles wasn't right and it stress both the arms. Now it is slightly painful. Can feel the joints screaming for attention! Simple task like push/pull the door are met with complaints. Sigh...

Ou Xia put aeroplane again. 2nd time within the last 7 days! Sob...Sob...

Just need some rest and hopefully i am ready for more training ahead.


Went over to PF for a spin. Learn about a few things today. Doesn't matter just whack and hope for the best!

Came off the bike and did a 2km run on the treadmill. I shouldn't do it. Alas, can't help it.

Interesting, shall do more "sighting" in the future. keke.

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