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Monday, November 12, 2007

Barter Trade

Weekend is for LSD on bike and run for the past few weeks. Since engaging on the tri sports, i have to split out the workouts on both days. At least that is the plan.

At times, these are not possible, a combination of these(bike/run) + rest is called for.

I don't have a training program, at least written down somewhere that states for the next month or so, what should i do in details. I do have a broad pictures of what i wanna achieve and work out some strategy to achieve it. From weeks to weeks, based on the fitness level, time and opportunity, i put in the training. At times circumstance do not allow and i have to go for alternatives. Last option is to skip and rest.

Last weekend i did an LSD bike+walk and decide it is better to skip the run. Barter trade?

When is the last i time i skip an LSD(run)! I think i am into Barter trade business leow! *faint*


Have a 50mins bike run in the morning. Engine abit difficult to get going, maybe because yesterday slack! At least priceless too comment i slack! *faint*

I think i am more tired than i thought after saturday workout. I won't know if i make the right choice to skip the run yesterday, at least i know i didn't get injure because lack of workout. Except i put on some weight(when i weight this morning), which must be the result of yesterday buffet lunch! Pui leow lah...Sigh...:(


Ah pui went for a weight session during noon period. What to do, need to reduce the extras. Is it the Laksa? Ice-cream? Sigh....:p

It was a good session with some chit chat along to spice up the period.


It is good to be back at the SPIN class this evening. It is a control spin session.

Took a slacker approach this evening. Try hard not to stress on the knee. I really don't want to hurt the knee when the event edge closer each day.

Did a run after the session, feeling good. Cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

cannot laugh at pui babyfats!