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Friday, November 09, 2007

Pacing for Marathon

As a amateur, we tend to have the problem of pacing.

How many of us face similar problem? Start slow, midway feeling food(run faster), end slow?

I guess i am lucky or rather pacing come easy for me, because i slack! :p

I manage to achieve negative or even split for 42km in regular fashion. Some folks said, just run very slower in the first half will do. But how many of those folks can do it or have the discipline to do it? Talk is cheap.

First 35km is just a warm up to me. The real test start after that. How many "died" before 35km, not to mention the last bit of the event?

What is the key to do right pacing?

1) Have adequate training
2) Have consistence training
3) Run at conservation pace(Never go above comfort level), even at the expense of boredom.
4) Stay positive, be strong

It is not difficult to achieve if you have the right mentality.

Not many folks do marathon pace during training. What make us feel that we can do faster pace(marathon pace) and feel nothing will go wrong? Eg get tired earlier in the run compare to training, getting cramp while during training there isn't any sign of cramp?

Proper carbo loading or pre race conditioning is a factor, but many overlook the fact that we have not train at the marathon pace, how can we "think" we can do that on race day and get away with it? Yes, the adrenaline on the day push us abit faster. Alas we are human, we have a limit. We will tire ourself out in the process early doing it than expected.

Let face it, we tend to run faster in the event. It is natural. How to deal with this?

Take more breaks and run with boredom.

Taking water breaks force ourself to slow down. Run with boredom leads to run slow.

With discipline, you should be able to start the actual run after 35km feeling fresh. You should do very well by finishing strong.

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