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Sunday, November 04, 2007

Pitfalls of Short Distance

I have taken part in a few running/water kind of events and observe the following:

the shorter the distance => more ppl will be taking part.

Normally it is for those that starting to pick up the sports aka newbie. Or not comfortable doing long distance that is doing mini or shorter events.

For Swim/Bike/Run Events

The chances you get kick/punch in the water are higher compare to let say folks taking part in HIM or IM.

Chance that someone overtaking/jam their brake/doing funny acts at unexpected location is higher compare to folks taking part in HIM or IM.

For Run Events.

How many times you find folks, walk/chitchatting/stop suddenly on the track? Someone jump over the road divider and run as though nothing have happen? These are most probably in shorter race etc 10km or shorter.

A sudden jam break will 1) cause you to pull a muscle, 2) bang into someone, 3) cause you to lose momentum.

What is the morale of the story?

After witnessing/hearing about a few nasty incidents. I am skipping the shorter distance unless.......Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Do the shorter distance with care, my friend.

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