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Tuesday, January 15, 2008


D is for Destiny!

Woke up 10 mins earlier than norm, so that i can make the long await registration for Disney Goofy Challenge.

It has been something i want to sign up for the last couple of years. Due to one reason or another, i have to put it off. Finally! I have take the plunge. :p

Water was warm this morning. Have a difficult time trying to adjust early part of the swim. I was cruising half way through. Find it easy at the end. Slow and steady completed the 2.5km swim this morning in 1:04hr. The timing is okay, but i somehow find that i am pretty slow, or is it that everyone else have improved or is it tigger is aging...:(

Right bottom of the foot did raise some concern during the swim. Yesterday SPIN have caused it, from what i notice. Maybe i should stop spinning for a couple of weeks and see whether the problem still exist. hmmm....
CBD run this evening is head towards MF. I brought along my oversea colleague, Robert for a run. Bottom of left heel have been giving me the ache this afternoon. When the run start, the ache came back again. Sigh.
Start slow, at the back with Robert. When we reach MF, OTOT towards the top. It was a good run up. I waited for the rest,while the rest head for 2 loops.I waited quite a while and realise that most probably they won't be coming up. I head down for a single loop as i am concern about the bottom foot.
It was a good run back to the end. Thanks everyone for the accompany.

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