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Thursday, January 17, 2008


I am lacking of sleep. I can feel it building up. Seem like a daily event now, waking up, feeling tired. I need to do something about it. SOON!

Legs are abit tired when i go into the pool this morning. I feel tired and really feel like slacking. Slowly moving forward, first 200 meters wasn't feeling particular good, so i changed to breastroke. Ok, just go into breastroke and cruise along and see how it goes.

As the distance slowly increase, the shin are getting sng. Breathing wise is okay. Slowly moving forward, laps after laps, mentally torturing! Should i stop? Somehow, after 1km+, the shin did not give anymore problem and i can swim more freely.

Slowing i start to decrease the distance between myself and pacer uncle. He has not lap me yet despite starting about a lap in front. As the body get warm up, i think i swim faster. At the end, i am about 20 meters behind pacer uncle after 2.5km.

If i have done 3km, i am sure i could have overtaken him. Strangely, i manage to go under 60mins for 2.5km. It is the first time i did it, although i am confidence i can do it, but not training swim though.

Head over to the market for breakfast, and realise the carpark is packed like sardines. Sigh...so drive one round, no luck and leave for office without breakfast. Sigh....very sad.

S(leepy) T(igger)

The legs muscle are tight. It is not the usual ache. A bit more serious. Nevertheless still head over to NUS for a run.

Tao, Babe, CCF, Seo, BaJie and Tiam Jiak joined me for the run this evening. Quite a few stops waiting for the rest to catch up.

We finished the run in 1:26hr amid some drizzling. :p Enjoy the run this evening. :)

Time to pack the bag for the KL trip.

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