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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Warm Day Ahead

I spent 30 seconds deliberating whether i should tore the year 2008 or 2007 tab on the parking coupon this morning. What am i thinking of? Tired? or just forgetful?

Water was warm this morning. I yearn for the days when water was slightly chill.

The pool was pretty quiet early the morning, which is not the usual case. It get crowded later on though.

I finished 10 sets of 200 meters circuit in 54 mins. I am glad i manage to complete it. I need to work more on my freestyle and get some confidence back.

I head for CBD run this evening, as Burnz is not able to make it and require a baggage service.

Quite a hugh a turnout this evening.

Started off strong, i think HR abit high and midway through decide to hold back and conserve energy.

It was pretty tough going up MF. A good climb all the way to the top. Phew! Didn't do any loops and proceed to walk down with Gentle. We discussed and chit chat along the way.

We did a slow job back after a long walk..hehe...slack mah....:p

A good chat at the end before we packed up and left in different directions.

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